What are Hazardous Materials?
According to the IHMM, a hazardous material is any item or agent (biological, chemical, physical) which has the potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors.
What is a “Hazardous Materials Professional”
Hazardous materials professionals are responsible for and properly qualified to manage such materials. This includes managing and/or advising other managers on such items at any point in their life-cycle, from process planning and development of new products; through manufacture, distribution and use; to disposal, cleanup and remediation.
Hazmat Professionals work for a variety of employers and in many different roles. Some of us work for governmental agencies, setting and enforcing standards. Some work for businesses, managing and assuring compliance, worker safety and health, environmental protection, hazmat security and sustainability in our particular operations. Some of us work in advocacy and education.
We are chemists, geologists, physicists, and engineers. We're managers, policy specialists, inspectors and investigators, emergency responders, and more.
Regardless of our employment or expertise, we share the common goal of keeping people and our planet safe and healthy; for current generations as well as those yet to come.
If you think this describes you, please join us!

The Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals - National Organization

The quintessential guide to the
Hazardous Materials Management

Institute of Hazardous Materials
Management - The Issuer of the
CHMM and other hazardous
materials management professional
Partner Organizations

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), North Jersey Section

ASSE New Jersey Chapter
Other local AHMP Chapters
Philadelphia Chapter: www.achmm-philly.org