No Further Action: Fact or Fantasy?

For centuries, man has celebrated his accomplishments. From the building of a pyramid, winning a championship to graduation or the birth of a child. Yet we have learned that although these milestones seemed final, our changing world has taught us to rethink our vision of finality. We have learned that designs become obsolete, use requirements changes, structures deteriorate in in some cases mistakes were made. So, knowing this, why do we consider “full compliance” or No Further Action to last forever?
The advent of the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program has changed the way we interpret no further action on sites. As new studies are conducted, we are faced with an everchanging climate of new standards and regulations which impact our No Further Action standing. Through decades of compliance inspections, industry has learned that one must be ever diligent in reviewing inspection reports, regulatory letters and routine submittals. Pre-audit or pre -purchase due diligence reviews need to be conducted understanding that the regulatory target is constantly changing.
The speaker will present actual case studies of sites where No Further Action or Full Compliance although thought to be fact, was found to be fantasy. Whether you are considering a purchase, sale, ISO certification or facility construction, dust off those No Further Action designations and determine if you might be in fantasy land.
Joe Galley is a Vice President with GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. with a concentration in site assessment, and investigation, regulatory compliance and site remediation. After spending his early career at the NJDEP, then running a small environmental consulting firm for 20 years, Joe has brought his three decades of experience to GZA where he is a principal in the Fairfield New Jersey office. Joe is a Certified Hazardous Material Manager and holds a Licensed Site Remediation Professional license. Although working with a variety of client sectors, his specialty is working with industrial clients to achieve regulatory compliance with the Industrial Site Recovery Act, the ISO 14001 standard and sites subject to the Site Remediation Reform Act.
Sponsored by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
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